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LOGIQ E10 Series
At a glance
Leadership image quality
Image a wide range of patients with clarity & consistency for diagnostic confidence.
AI for productivity
An array of AI-based tools and productivity packages help to speed your workflow.
Advanced clinical tools
2D Shear Wave Elastography, UGAP, Remote Control, Photo Assistant, and more.
Smart investment
SonoDefense cyber protection plus a digital platform designed to grow with you.
Next-generation ultrasound
Empowering digital transformation
Our leadership platform series includes two powerful models. The LOGIQ E10 and the LOGIQ E10s ultrasound systems both feature advanced tools to help you deliver confident diagnosis while enhancing your productivity at the same time.
Choose from a wide array of advanced imaging tools and robust productivity enhancers based on artificial intelligence – all on a scalable platform that lets you configure your system specifically to the needs of your practice.
Care areas
Musculoskeletal (MSK)
Product Highlights
Leadership ultrasound for whole body imaging

Optimal scalability
Stay at the forefront of clinical imaging with our A to A digital platform, that allows you to add next-generation capabilities as they become available.
Advanced ergonomics
LOGIQ E10 Series ensures concise workflows as both systems come with easy-to-reach controls, an adjustable floating keyboard, and an articulating monitor. With GE HealthCare's smart apps you can even operate your ultrasound system remotely.
Productivity and auto measurement packages
Additonal tools such as Scan Assistant and Semi-Quantitative Flow Analysis will help you to further improve exam efficiency and user productivity.
Ergonomic EZ Imaging reduces keystrokes
With customizable probe presets and a simplified touch panel, EZ Imaging enhances your workflow by reducing operator interaction and set-up time significantly.
Safety and support
Our six-layer approach to data security, Sono Defense, helps to keep your system safe at any time. Furthermore, latest digital support tools such as performance analytics and advanced system diagnostics allow you to make the most of your LOGIQ E10 Series ultrasound systems.
Exceptional mobility
The ultrasound systems of LOGIQ E10 Series are equipped with Power Assistant, a powerful onboard battery, that allows you to image at any time and place.
Product brochure
Discover detailed information about LOGIQ E10 Series ultrasound systems and learn how both will help you to deliver confident care efficiently.

Next-generation imaging capabilities
Comprehensive tools improve diagnosis, care and treatment
The LOGIQ E10 Series provides a new standard in imaging to enhance diagnostic confidence for every clinician. Its cSound™ Architecture combines versatile XDclear™ probes, cSound Imageformer and advanced Speckle Reduction Imaging to deliver exceptional image quality.
AI-based tools such as Breast Assistant powered by Koios DS™, Auto Lesion Segmentation, Auto Doppler Assistant, and OB Measurement Assistant help to improve exam speed and enhance diagnostic confidence.
Precise imaging tools
2D Shear Wave Elastography enables quantitative assessment of tissue elasticity and helps to reduce the need for invasive procedures. This tool is especially useful for diagnosis and monitoring of patients with chronic liver disease.
Ultrasound-Guided Attenuation Parameter (UGAP) enables quantification of liver steatosis to aid in early identification and monitoring of patients with NAFLD, NASH or ASH.
Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) helps clinicians clearly visualize tissue structure and lesion vascularity for confidence in lesion detection and characterization.

Clinical images
LOGIQ E10 Series at work

Hepatic Assistant, C1-6-D

Thyroid, Advanced SRI, ML6-15

FNH with CEUS, C1-6-D
Micro B-Flow™ LEA, L2-9-D

Carotid PW Waveform, L2-9-D

Breast lesion with 2D Shear Wave Elastography, ML4-20-D

Your multi-purpose system
Designed for whole-body imaging

Vascular imaging

Musculoskeletal imaging

Abdominal imaging

Obstetrics / Gynecology

Pediatric imaging

Thyroid imaging

Cardiac imaging

Interventional radiology

Dive into the world of LOGIQ E10 Series
In this section you will find valuable and detailed information on LOGIQ E10 Series and its features. Choose from brochures, whitepapers and case studies that offer you detailed insights into the functioning and application areas of our ultrasound systems.
Product brochure
Discover detailed information about LOGIQ E10 Series ultrasound systems and learn how they will help you to deliver confident care efficiently.