Explore the powerful role of Voluson in patient‘s lives.
We believe that ultrasound has the potential to exponentially improve women’s lives and ensure better health for generations. From regular check-ups to family planning, to disease prevention, this technology plays a powerful role in the health of women and their unborn children. We have a legacy of breaking new ground and advancing innovation in women’s health, delivering ultrasound solutions which empower our partners to provide exceptional care, ensuring a healthier future for women.
Test your knowledge and discover how VolusonTM supports the most important topics in obstetrics and gynecology.
Do you know how common fibroids are?
Uterine fibroids are a common type of benign tumours of the uterus. They affect between 40-70% of women in their lifetime (depending on ethnicity, age, genetics etc.).
Tip: Try using our Fibroid Mapping tool to easily map fibroids in relation to the uterine serosa and endometrium
Do you know what one of the most common causes of female infertility is?
Age is one of the leading causes of female infertility. After the age of 35, the chances of achieving pregnancy naturally start to decrease. The most common reason is that the quality and quantity of the eggs in the ovaries starts to decline.
Tip: Try using our Auto-Caliper Tool to efficiently measure stimulated follicles during ART treatments.
Do you know approximately how many women will experience a Pelvic Floor Disorder (PFD) in their lifetime?
At least one in three women will experience a PFD in her lifetime.
Tip: Try using our SonoPelvicFloor 2.0 tool to obtain more consistent and reproducible pelvic floor measurements.
Uterine Anomalies
Do you know what the most common consequences of a uterine anomaly are?
Uterine anomalies can lead to infertility and recurrent miscarriages.
Tip: Try using our Uterine Trace tool. Simply trace the endometrium and the system automatically acquires a volume and then displays the critical coronal view.
Gyn Oncology
Are you looking for an ultrasound method to differentiate benign and malignant neoplasms of the ovary?
Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer among women in developed countries. The ADNEX risk model estimates the probability that an adnexal tumor is benign, borderline, stage I cancer, stage II-IV cancer, or secondary metastatic cancer (i.e. metastasis of non-adnexal cancer to the ovary).
Tip: Try to use IOTA dedicated preset then use ADNEX risk model directly from your ultrasound system.
How can dynamic ultrasonography transform the detection of deep infiltrating endometriosis for obstetricians?
Dynamic ultrasonography allows obstetricians to detect deep infiltrating endometriosis more accurately by providing real-time visualization of endometriotic nodules and key pelvic structures, leading to earlier and more precise diagnosis.
Tip: Try to use latest technology as new RIC10 probe, UltraHD, Augment and ShadowReduction features to improve sensitivity and resolution of your scan.
Congenital Heart Disease
What is your detection rate when screening for Congenital Heart Disease?
With 1 in 100 babies affected by congenital heart defects (CHD), 25% of these babies will need a lifesaving treatment before they turn one.
Tip: Try to use FetalHS tool to create fast, standardized protocol with all necessary planes and basic information about fetal heart to reduce number of not detected CHDs.
First Trimester Ultrasound
How detailed are your images acquired during a First Trimester Ultrasound?
The 10th to 14th weeks of gestation presents a unique opportunity to learn about the health of a pregnancy. Advances in ultrasound technology and maternal blood analysis have allowed for
first trimester evaluation for serious fetal anomalies and more accurate screening for
chromosomal conditions.
Tip: The high resolution 4D transducer (RIC 6-12-D) helps you detect the finest details in the first trimester
How are you practicing the measurement of the Uterine Artery?
The Cluster of Signs of this Severe Disorder were first described 150 years ago! And although our understanding of the pathophysiology has advanced considerably since then, there is still little consensus regarding the true etiology of preeclampsia. Voluson is dedicated to support clinicians in their research around prediction and prevention of Preeclampsia.
Tip: Radiantflow™️ delivers advanced color performance that provides a dynamic, 3D-like appearance to help identify even the smallest vessels.
Role of AI in Prenatal Diagnosis
Did you ever do a recall of a patient because you forgot to take a picture of a particular structure of the fetus?
AI tools are becoming extremely important additions in prenatal diagnosis because:
• babies with abnormalities have a higher risk of mortality and morbidity.
• timing and place of birth can be optimized
Often the sequence in the way the ultrasound is done is random, because during the exam clinicians completely rely on the fetal position.
Tip: Use SonoLyst and SonoLystLive to improve exam efficiency and diagnosis quality due to scan standardization and consistency of the study.
Bonding Experience of 3D Ultrasound
Do you know how much more ultrasound/3D images tell to becoming parents?
It can be easy to get caught up in the clinical utility of ultrasound, but it's important to remember that this is a monumental moment for the patient, their partner, and their little one. Allowing time and space for parental-fetal bonding can create a stronger family unit for the rest of the pregnancy and beyond. Ultrasound technology can play a key role in supporting that experience
Tip: Try to use state-of-art 3D visualization features as HDLiveStudio, Silhouette, eSTIC, VCI-2D and more, to create extremely real visualizations of your patients.
Ultrasound during Labor and Delivery
Do you know about the advantages of using Ultrasound during the labor process?
Intrapartum ultrasound can be used during all stages of pre-labor and labor for diagnosis of malposition’s and understand underlying mechanisms of labor arrest. In this manner, ultrasound alongside clinical findings, can improve clinical care. Through evaluation of fetal position, station and rotation, the Obstetrician can oversee labor progress and make objective judgements over intended clinical interventions.
Tip: Try to use SonoL&D and SonoVCAD labor to improve patient care during labor and delivery.