Look no further than GE HealthCare’s unique offers “Three & Two is Better than One”*
Discover revolutionary patient care in your Breast Department with cutting-edge technologies: LOGIQ Ultrasound, Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound and Senographe Pristina.
Which offer aligns with your needs?
Unique offerings | LOGIQ Ultrasound | Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound | Senographe Pristina |
Three is better than one | |||
Two is better than one |
Increased breast cancer detection
Regular mammography screening exams can reduce breast cancer mortality for women between the ages of 50-69 years by up to 35%1,2,3. Adding Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound to mammography screening can increase sensitivity by 57% when detecting breast cancer for women with dense breasts.
Improved patient experience
Senographe Pristina was built with one objective in mind to ease patient anxiety when they enter the exam room. Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound examination with the reverse curve transducer and the selectable compression levels reduce the patient pain*.
Faster and automated patient examination
By separating the acquisition and the interpretation of the Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound volume, the radiologist can read the entire exam in 3 minutes.

Standardized examination procedure
Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound allows repeatable examinations in 3D and standardized bilateral evaluations. AI on LOGIQ Ultrasound systems with semi-automated segmentation and measure assistant reduces the variability of lesions categorization.
Improved accuracy with excellent image quality
cSound Image former focusing from near field to far field enables a clear depiction and analysis of the smallest tissues abnormalities. Microvascular Imaging (MVI) High-definition flow mode and 2D Shear Wave Elastography will help you with non-invasive assessment of lesion with confident measurements.
Assist in Surgical Treatment Planning
Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound provides a full view of the breast depicting the extent of the lesion for a better surgical approach.
SonoBrightHD (CESM) offers high sensitivity imaging helping detect even the smallest lesions within the breasts.
2D Shear Wave Elastography on LOGIQ’s enables non-invasive assessment of lesion stiffness in breast.

Improved follow-up precision
Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound speeds up the workflow and helps with easy side-by-side comparison.
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound provides clear picture of tissue structure when there is a need for additional diagnosis.
The new Pristina image chain also helps reduce the exposure time in 2D with no compromise on image quality at low dose. Measurements taken on two Senographe Pristina systems consistently showed close to 30% exposure time reduction.
Non-invasive patient comfort
Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound provides safe, non-radiation examination and reduces the cost of examination.
Breast Imaging
Exceeding your expectations
Exceptional breast systems with AI assistance
Request your quote today and experience improved accuracy and cancer detection rate with top-of-the-line systems.

*ABUS disclaimer - Shah et.al.JournalofDiagnosticMedicalSonographyDOI: 10.1177/8756479313476920 2013
- Tabar L, Vitak B, Chen HH, Duffy SW, Yen MF, Chiang CF, Krusemo UB, Tot T, Smith RA. The Swedish Two-County Trial twenty years later. Updated mortality results and new insights from long-term follow-up. Radiol Clin North Am. 2000;38:625–651.
- Nystrom L, Andersson I, Bjurstam N, Frisell J, Nordenskjold B, Rutqvist LE. Long-term effects of mammography screening: updated overview of the Swedish randomised trials. Lancet. 2002;359:909–919.
- Bjurstam N, Bjorneld L, Warwick J, Sala E, Duffy SW, Nystrom L, Walker N, Cahlin E, Eriksson O, Hafstrom LO, Lingaas H, Mattsson J, Persson S, Rudenstam CM, Salander H, Save-Soderbergh J, Wahlin T. The Gothenburg Breast Screening Trial. Cancer. 2003;97:2387–2396.
*The availability of offer versions varies by country. The "Two is Better than One" version is available in Croatia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Slovenia. The "Three is Better than One" version is available in Poland, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Cyprus. For more information, please contact our Sales Representatives.