Let’s take care of your probes together!

The user has the biggest chance to notice any changes in the diagnostic image as quickly as possible. The earlier the damage is diagnosed, the higher is the chance for a less complicated & cost generating repair.

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Patients safety is a priority

Do you know how important cleaning and disinfecting of your probes is for maximizing your patients safety? Do you know that you have really big influence on your probes condition? This page provides necessary information to keep your probes in the best condition for as long as possible.

Did you know that…

More than 80% of ultrasound probe handles remain contaminated when not disinfected? 4,5
80 000 patients a day are affected by at least one case of HAI in Europe?2


The good thing is…

35-55% of infections can be prevented using existing infection prevention solutions.3
Effective High-Level Disinfection (HLD) of ultrasound probes is a crucial factor against the spread of HAIs.


Cleaning must be completed before disinfection can take place. Remember to clean & disinfect your probes after each scanning.

Do you know that up to 9% of barrier sheats and condoms leak? Therefore, it is important to make proper cleaning of your probes even when using a probe cover.

Spaulding classification

All Ultrasound exams do not require the same level of disinfection. The Spaulding Classification is a representative system that help user decide which level of disinfection would be appropriate based on the potential risk of infection to a patient.


Adequate cleaning and disinfection between patient exams is necessary to prevent disease transmission. The level of disinfection required is based on the potential risk of infection to a patient. For procedures leveraging an endocavitary probe, high-level disinfection is required.

Ultrasound transducers

Use only products approved by the manufacturer, the composition of which does not threaten the life of probes. Read the Important Notices for selected compatible products and probe combinations. 

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Discover the STAR app

The STAR app is your central entry point for ultrasound education. Augmented reality features and video tutorials help you to get to know your ultrasound system as easy and fast as possible.


  1. Currie, et. Al. https://www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov/pubmed/29395507
  2. ECDC. https://ecdc.europa.eu/en/healthcare-associated-infections-acute-care-hospitals
  3. Schreiber, et. Al.
  4. Buescher DL, et al. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016;47(5): 646-651.
  5. Ngu, A., et al. (2015). Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 36(5): 1-4.

Proper Handling

How to handle your ultrasound probe?

Probes are key and expensive elements of the ultrasound chain but also the most sensitive. They should be used with caution, examined before and after each procedure, handled, cleaned and disinfected following the proper procedures. This is to ensure optimal functioning so that the proper diagnosis can be established.

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